(224) 717-3799


Call us now at (224) 717-3799 for a price quote over the phone. We don't publish exact prices online, because prices vary based on several variables, such as the type and number of animals, the type of property or building, location, etc. If you call us and describe your situation, we can tell you a price over the phone. But here are some general examples. Don't hold us to these exact numbers!

SMALL JOB: This could be a single-trip job, such as the removal of a snake from the yard, or a squirrel in the fireplace, or a dead animal under the house. This type of job might be in the range of $150-$299

MEDIUM JOB: This could be a 2-3 service trip job, such as putting down traps to remove and relocate nuisance raccoons, or setting rat traps in the attic and performing simpler home repairs. This type of job might be in the range of $300-$599

BIG JOB: This could be a job such as the removal of a colony of bats in a building, or a female raccoon and her babies in an attic, along with large building repairs and attic cleanup, etc. This type of job might be in the range of $600 on up

Remember, call us at (224) 717-3799 for a price quote over the phone. Or visit our Lake County wildlife trapping home page to learn more about us.

Wildlife can be adorable out in the wild, but when wild animals get inside your home will quickly become a major problem! Whether it may squirrel in your attic, raccoons in your basement, roosting birds to your roof, and moles digging up your beautiful lawn! Wildlife can cause damage to your home and bring harm to your family. If you want to protect your home and your family, you can contact our wildlife professionals at our company! With 24/7 customer assistance through the phone and highly trained technicians, we guarantee to bring our clients real results. We offer all sorts of kinds of services from area clean-up, wildlife preventive measures, insulation installments, animal removals, and professional-grade repairs. We pride ourselves on being the most effective rodent control company in the city. We solve the root of the problem, by identifying the entry holes into your house and sealing them shut. We can often remove animals without harmful traps, by using exclusion devices that get them out of your house, and unable to get back in. Most of all, we pride ourselves in practicing various humane methods in taking care of the job. When the tougher gets tough especially in wildlife intruding your property, say no more and contact us whenever you need help.