(224) 717-3799

Common Problems Bats Cause

Finding a bat into your house may seem normal, but actually, it can be a threatening situation for you. They can be a cause to bring a serious illness within your house, that's why it is important to remove the bat from your house. 

How do they get into your house? 
They are small mammals; they just need a small entry point to get into any place. Then can also get in from fireplaces or window, they choose to live in dark and dirty places. 

What to do if a bat gets into your house
Occasionally they can find a way easily within your house during the summer nights between July and August. Once they get into your house soon, you will see a lot of young rats that will be flying within your house. To get rid of them, provide them a chance to find their way outside the house.

Is it important to get rid of bats? 
They have the ability to consume many insects at a single feeding; having a bat in the attic or basement can cause many health issues. Most of the bat carries rabies, and they can transfer it to the pets and the humans. It is important to get rid of them as soon as possible by using home remedies, products, or you can even hire professionals; they will help you to get rid of them and diseases too. 

Are they dangerous?
No, really, but you cannot allow them to live freely within your house because they carry diseases like rabies. If their waste gets in contact with the soil, it produces a fungus that later can become a reason of disease called histoplasmosis. 

How to get rid of them? 
It is illegal to kill the bat so you can catch them with the help of live traps, or you can hire the professionals.  You can stop the bats from getting into your house by following the given tips:

  • Make sure there is no entry point through which they can get the chance to enter within your house like a window, mosquito screen, etc. 
  • Try to keep the entire door closed if they do not have mosquito screen, as the bat need just a few seconds to get into your house. 
  • Place the netting near to the vents and windows that will help you to keep them away. 
  • Inspect your whole building, and if you find any hole close them properly. 

Best them to get rid of bats
The night is the best time to get rid of them as the female bat left the house to get the food; this is the time you can capture their babies and throw them out of your house. Close all the open holes. Female's bat many takes several hours to get back so you can do this process in the given time. Make sure you have not left a single entry point because they will try hard to get into the house in search of their babies. Do it, to secure your house and building from the issue and diseases that may bat cause while living in your house. 

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